Saturday, March 24, 2007

one of a kind

I am finally back in Taiwan. This trip to Tokyo was fantastic, although my Japanese wasn't much better than it was last year (lol). This time I tried to take my time to listen to what people said instead of freaking out. I found at least half the chances my guesses were right. When they started to look a little confused, I would just say "日本語が あまり できないです". That's probably the best expression other than smiling (lol).

When I first arrived at the hotel in Shinjuku, I saw this and couldn't help laughing. There was a huge line in front of a store, and it was Krispy Kreme. A lot of us Taiwanese people are big maniacs of Japanese stuff. We have the latest Japanese trends. We can probably find any kind of authentic Japanese food in Taipei. Many are even big fans of Japanese celebrities and dramas. About two years ago, a donut chain, Mister Donut, started their business in Taiwan. It was a huge hype. You had to wait in line for hours to get into the store, and most people usually bought 20-30 donuts at a time. Then I just saw the same thing. Tokyo people were in line for donuts! The only difference was they were after an American brand!

The next morning we stopped by the nearest Starbucks and tried to wake ourselves up. There was still a line. I started to wonder how long this hype would be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those photos are pretty~ You should have Chinese version on the other one!
